Using Facebook Marketplace to Make Extra Money During Naptime
This is probably aging me, but Facebook came out when I was in college. I loved being able to communicate with friends and family that were far away from were I was living. But, now there are countless ways to do that. I honestly don’t use Facebook for keeping up with others in the same way. I mainly use it for buying/selling.
Facebook, I think, is one of the best places to buy/sell if you are wanting a quick, no hassle way to sell things. Everyone has extra things around there house that they don’t need anymore, so how about sell it?! It’s easier than it seems. Here are my top 12 tips specifically for selling:
- First thing you need to do is join a bunch of local buying and selling groups. Usually they are named by the city or county you are in, such as Redding Buy/Sell or Redding For Sale. I am a part of around 10 of them. I like posting in these groups when I have one larger item, like a couch or other furniture.
- It is also a great idea to be a part of local niche groups that are specific to what you frequently sell. Since I am a mom, and have lots of kid related items to sell, I am a part of many local parenting groups.
- If you are selling multiple items, choose the local niche group first. I like to post something like, “Toy Purge, Pictures and prices in comments. Located near Costco.” This gives a quick heads up of what the post is about, and a general idea of where I am located so people can decide if its worth driving to.
- Make sure you are in one niche group that has an instant post, rather than having to wait to be approved. Some times my time is so limited that I have to do the post and all of the comments in one sitting. Waiting for your post to be approved is a hassle, and you may not have time to work more on it when it is finally posted.
- Add clear pictures of what you are trying to sell, and type the price in the comments.
- If someone is interested, have them message you. I frequently say “PM for pickup”. Making them message you confirms that they are willing to work to actually pick the item up.
- In your private message, first ask when they can pick up based on your general location, such as Costco.
- Never give out your phone number. This was a big scam. It’s getting better, but there is still no reason for them to have your phone number.
- Once you have established a pickup day and general time, determine if the person looks legitimate. If I feel suspicious about someone, I check their profile and make sure it doesn’t look fake.
- Once you feel comfortable, give them your address. I tell them I will leave the item on our porch, or by our mailbox. This helps us both feel more comfortable when there is not physical contact.
- Have them leave cash in a special spot, or have them use an app, like Venmo. I have never had a single person cheat me and not paid. I will sometimes show them a picture of the item and/or where to leave the money.
- I usually message them a thank you. Sometimes people leave reviews, and that helps your selling profile.
And that’s it. It’s so simple. It may not be for everyone, but if you are thinking of reselling something, then I hope you found this helpful! Below is an example of a photo I would sent to a buyer.

I love doing this! It’s very helpful to bring in a little extra on the side! This is good advice!