Making Beans with a Newborn
Learning to cook beans in a crockpot while baby wearing a newborn.

So, I am not one who grew up making things. I grew up on canned beans, canned veggies, and pre-packaged foods. But, as our family journeys through our wellness adventure, making beans just seemed like a good pit stop.
However, I am KNEE DEEP in crazy. I have 4 children that are 5 and under, one of them being a newborn baby. I don’t even remember the last time the toilet got cleaned, let alone make anything from scratch.
But, I had a crockpot, and I did have a 2 pound bag of black beans that we had grabbed from Aldi. So, with my 3 week baby asleep in his baby wrap, strapped around me, and the other kids in quiet time, and chicken tacos on the menu, I realized I might have just enough time to figure it out.
I threw the beans in (if you are following this, I don’t actually recommend throwing them, just dump them) , and added about 12 cups of water. I then added an entire onion, I took the peel off, and cut it into fourths and dumped that in. I also chopped up 3 garlic cloves and added those. Added a few bay leaves, a bunch of salt, and a good sized dollop of olive oil. I set the crockpot setting for High and had it cook for the next 4 hours.
Guys, this all took not even 5 minutes. If I can do this with my crazy, then I bet you can do it too. And yes, it was delicious for chicken tacos.
But, that’s not all! It made a TON of beans. Plenty for the week, and the rest can be frozen for future meals.
Yes! A good multi tasking morning is as follows, beans, a load of laundry and feeding baby. 3 in 1 and you feel so accomplished and productive😄. So many ways to breathe new life into the leftovers too. I like mine fried or in a blended bean soup perfect for a cold day.
Love those ideas!