Bible ABC Flashcards

Learning the ABCs through the lens of the Bible

Our family is smack in the middle of kindergarten at home. We are learning the alphabet, numbers, different animals and countries, and so much more. It is so much fun. But, if you are like me, I am always trying to find a way to sneak in more Bible time.

This is why I had to go ahead and make my own Bible ABC Flashcards. Now, for example, when we are learning the letter and sound of G, we can also look up Gideon and read his story in the Bible, and ‘what exactly does a torch have to do with Gideon’?

You can use these Bible ABC Flashcards however you like, but I think Kindergarten is a great time to start an introduction to the Bible (if you haven’t already), and if you already have introduced Bible stories, this can be a great way to find the story and dig a little deeper, and work on memorization too. If they already know the letter, you can quiz them on why wheat is related to Boaz, for example.

Would love to know in comments how you want to use the cards! I suggest printing on card stock and laminating them in order to be used again and again. You can find this printable and more in the Sprouting Arrows shop. Enjoy!

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