My Father’s World: Review
My Review and Critique of MFW for Kindergarten
Our first year of homeschooling is quickly coming to a close. And let’s just say, it has been SO MUCH FUN, even with a newborn. I think a lot of that had to do with our curriculum choice, My Father’s World.

A Gentle Approach
A lot of people told us to skip kindergarten, and we easily could have. But, our oldest, Big Man, is very motivated to learn, specifically learning to read. He is 5 and desperate to read. He also just loves learning facts, science, and drawing. So I decided we could just choose a program that was gentle. My Father’s World Kindergarten, called ‘God’s Creation from A-Z’ was perfectly gentle. It doesn’t rush through phonics, or math. It takes a very gradual approach, which was a nice fit for our family. It is slow and steady, and allows for freedom to pick and choose what works for your family.
Bible Incorporation
The incorporation of the Bible was the main reason we choose this curriculum. Each week has a theme based off the letter of that week. For example, we are currently on the letter ‘J’ for Jewel. Each week also has a Bible lesson based off the theme, so for Jewel, the lesson is “Jesus is more valuable than anything else”. This is what makes My Father’s World stand out. Each day has a Bible lesson and reminds your student of how it all connects together, back to God. Bible verses, hymns, Sunday school songs, and more are all used to incorporate this. There are also very fun videos done by the Wild Brothers that review each theme and its connection to the Bible, and all of the kids enjoyed them very much.

Easy to Use
Guys, we started this program in September, and then we had our 4th baby one month later. It was still doable. It is an “open and go” type of curriculum, which is exactly what I needed in this stage of my life. It gives you lots of different activities and ideas to enrich your day, and if you don’t want to do anything of them…don’t. But, the ideas are there if you want them. The curriculum also comes with lots of different manipulates, and books that go with the theme which was so handy. If you want more books, they have a great list of additional books that blend with the theme that you could also read.

Things I Wish Were Different
There are just a few things that I would change, or do differently when I do it again with our next child. My first critique would be of the redundancy. Each week is pretty much the same, and I do understand why they did this. It helps children know what’s coming and become a little bit more independent as they go. But, for Big Man, he was quicker to pick up on phonics than I realized, and many of the worksheets became boring to him. Next time I do this I will probably do a few more printables that are related to change it up a bit.
My only other critique would be that I wish there was more math. I felt like the phonics program was very strong, but the math worksheets were not frequent enough and ended up supplementing math with another program.
Will We Use MFW in the Future?
Yes, absolutely. We have loved the curriculum and the company. We will for sure use Kindergarten again when Little Miss is old enough. I am still looking at curriculums for first grade and may choose MFW again. When I know for sure, I will give an update, so make sure to subscribe if you want to hear about it.
Have you heard of this curriculum, and if so, have you used it? Would love to hear from you in the comments.