Frugal Family Meals
Feeding our family for $100 a week

My One True Love: Aldi
Are you struggling with your grocery food budget and not really sure how to make frugal family meals? I have an answer for you….Aldi! If you know me at all, you will probably here me talk frequently about my love for Aldi. I am not an affiliate for Aldi, but gosh darn, if they ever asked, I would say unequivocally, “Yes! A million times, Yes!”. Just make sure you bring your quarter…
Meals for the Week
So we went grocery shopping the other day and this should last us for the majority of the week, and the total was a whopping $106.64. We of course did have items at home already, as do most people. We already have things like flour, sugar, lettuce, etc. And we get our eggs from a friend at church for $3/dozen. Also, keep in mind that our kids are still little. Our oldest is five and a half, so we are able to stretch meals pretty far, farther than say a family with many teenage boys.
Breakfast: We were a little rushed for church, so we all had cereal. I know, not the healthiest, but we have cereal when we need something fast, as we are always SO late, that it is what it is.
Lunch: Boiled eggs, beef patties, with goat cheese, tomatoes and salsa. The kids all had varying versions of this. It was slightly more snacky, with tomatoes, cheese, and chips.
Dinner: Haystacks. This is a meal I grew up with. Basically it is a taco salad. Chili beans, lettuce, tomato, onions, cheese, chips, etc. All mixed together and we all love it.
Breakfast: Eggs, beef patty, goat cheese, and salsa. The kids also have a banana as soon as they wake up.
Lunch: Homemade bread pb and j, applesauce, and carrots.
Dinner: Chicken Parmesan on top of noodles, with asparagus.

Breakfast: Toast, yogurt, eggs and banana
Lunch: Bean and cheese burritos, tomatoes, and berries
Dinner: Homemade burgers
Breakfast: Homemade oatmeal with berries
Lunch: Homemade bread pb and j, applesauce, and cucumbers
Dinner: Whole chicken with potatoes and carrots

Breakfast: Toast with yogurt, banana, and eggs
Lunch: Bean and cheese burritos with tomatoes, and fruit
Dinner: Chicken tacos
Breakfast: Eggs, yogurt, fruit, and granola
Lunch: Homemade pb and j, applesauce, and veggies
Dinner: Pizza! Its movie night 🙂
Breakfast: Pancakes, eggs, bacon
Lunch: Beef patties, veggies
Dinner: Leftovers. Clean out that fridge!
Leftovers and Snacks
We try and eat all of our leftovers, but, it is a work in progress. For snacks we really try and keep it whole food related, such as boiled eggs, apples, oranges, cucumbers, string cheese, raisins. But sometimes it is granola bars, chips, and meat sticks. Some nights are easy, and with littles, some nights are hard. I like to have very easy meals in the freezer, just in case. Like Aldi frozen corndogs. Those things WORK in a pinch.
Grocery Challenge
Have you thought about trying to feed your family for $100? Want to join our challenge? And remember, if you don’t quite hit $100, I bet you still spent less than you normally would have!
This really gets the juices flowing for budget-friendly meal ideas, thank you!