
Follow along as our family learns to cook from scratch, avoid artificial food dyes and overly processed foods. Gather information on gardening and learn along with us as we improve our food preservation skills. Guest bloggers are also welcome to share their knowledge and expertise as well.


Our family’s nutrition habits are changing for the better, and I want you along for the ride. From learning to cook food from scratch, to reducing our dependency on processed foods, this will hopefully give you ideas and inspiration on your own health journey.

Introducing my new Book

One Income and Thriving

An introductory ebook for families considering or have recently made the transition of going down to one income as they raise children

This book serves as our family testimony, guidebook and workbook all rolled into one. Learn if staying home is right for you, how to talk to your spouse, concepts of lifestyle changes, mindset, budgeting, and more.

Change Your Habits

Here, we delve into practical skills, tips, and strategies essential for lowering your cost of living by changing your habits. Changing how much you eat out, what you do for entertainment, etc. Altering how we consistently spend money can end up dramatically saving you money.

Gaining a New Mindset and Priorities

This area of content covers everything from how you view consumerism, minimalism, and adjusting your budget to match your family priorities. Whether you’re new to living frugally, or have been doing this for years, this section will offer you a chance to expand your knowledge and remind you of what you feel is important to your family.


This crucial area of content offers guidance on budgeting, and managing finances specific to the unique needs of families that have chosen to live on one main income. Since I am not a financial expert, this will be based off of our families experience, as well as guest blog posts that are more versed in financial technicalities. If you are needing deeper assistance with getting out of debt, or other more complicated matters, I suggest finding a financial counselor who can walk you through this.