Stay-at-home-mother encouragement, advice, resources, and humor

Hello and welcome! I’m Jillian, the heart and hands behind this blog. This is my journey to being a stay-at-home mother, even when our finances are tight, and the culture war is raging. It’s my story of embracing my Christian faith in motherhood, simplicity, homeschooling, and wellness, all while on a limited budget.

Frugal living

Cultivate a mindset focused on living simply, and learn how changing habits and priorities can lower your monthly budget.


Gather ideas, resources and encouragement as you guide your children towards adulthood through a Christian lens.

Home School

Explore what our family is doing as we start our homeschool journey and utilize occupational therapy concepts into learning.


Grow, alongside our family, as we learn to garden, preserve, and cook more meals from scratch, as well as other things that benefit our overall health.

Learn how to lower your grocery budget!

Featured In

TPUSA’s The Spillover with Alex Clark // Daily Wire’s The Comment Section with Brett Cooper // The Reactionary Christian podcast

Hi! I’m Jillian!

I became a mother in my mid 30s, after having worked as a pediatric occupational therapist for many years. After I met and got married to my husband, we decided to have me quit my job, even though I was the breadwinner, in order to stay home with our children. It was a huge financial learning curve, as we worked to make living on one income possible. It’s a tale of embracing simplicity, and frugality, as we raise our children on a limited income, all while knowing that the Lord will continue to provide.

Frugal Living

Cultivate a mindset focused on living simply, and learn how changing habits and priorities can lower your monthly budget.

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Introducing my new EBook

One Income and Thriving

An Introductory Ebook for families considering or have recently made the transition of going down to one income as they raise children

This book serves as our family testimony, guidebook and workbook for readers to determine if staying at home is something they want to do, how to talk to your spouse about it, changing your mindset and habits, learning to budget, as well as other concepts.


Gather ideas, resources and encouragement as you guide your children towards adulthood through a Christian lens.

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Grab a copy of my free

Expense Tracker

The first step in changing habits and lifestyle to better match a one-income life, is knowing how much and where your money is going.

Home School

Explore what our family is doing as we start our homeschool journey and utilize occupational therapy concepts into learning.


Grow, alongside our family, as we learn to garden, preserve, and cook more meals from scratch, as well as other things that benefit our overall health.